Thursday 25 April 2013



Jusliane Sede: ``A really good magazine cover, contents and double page spread, well done both of you`."

Imran Ali: "The image used for the contents page does not look profesional and therefore you should change the model you are using to model for your contents page and change the pose of the model to suit the R&B genre."

Maysoona Raja: "Ensure that your contents page fits in with the colour theme that you used in your front cover page and your double page spread. In addition, you need to make sure that the image used in the contents page blends in with the rest of the text as well."

Thursday 28 March 2013

 We used these images for our practise on shots to take so we know what sort of shots we was going to take later and understand the sort of shots which can be taken.

Our other images and the original

We took these images to see which is best for the contents page and chose the one of the model sitting down on the ground as this suits best for the contents page.

 This is the original image for the front cover.

This is the original image for the double page spread.

This is the original image for the contents page.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

We used these two front covers to giude us through our real magazine front cover and these two helped as we made it similary in that way.