Wednesday 6 February 2013

We first decided to choose 'Ecstasy' to be our mast head for our R&B music magazine to show how the magazine is addicting but then we thoght fully of the other connotations of the drug 'Ecstasy'. We decided that we were going to change the name for our masthead which was originally going to be 'Ecstasy'. However, we relaised that the word 'Ecstasy' had negative connotations of drugs and crime and we thought that this would attrat people to take the drug therefore our final name that we have chosen to be our masthead is 'URBAN' and the reason as to why we chose this name to be our mast head for the reason that the connotations of 'Urban' were that this word reminds you of attitudes that people have and it gives the magazine the street edge. Im addition, the other connotations of 'Urban' are that it reminds us of city life, popular dance music and there are many R&B singers who come from urban backgrounds. moreover, we decided that the 'R' in the mast head would be flipped backwards to show how R&B breaks the rules and chnages conventions of what people think of R&B music and artists therefore the 'R' and the 'B' would be back to back and these two letters symolise and identify the genre of the music magazine which is R&B.

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