Saturday 19 January 2013

Analysing contents page

Image: there is only one image of Kayne who is a singer and the image is grey and quite dull and is representing R&B as it is quite mysterious and is showing fear as there is a hand on Kayne with a heart and the audience’s eye is drawn to the point of the hand as
the only colour which is red is the heart which attracts the audience thinking that is an important part of the image. This shows love and shows that he may have a love life and it shows the main thing about the image. The image is placed on the left hand side where there is information about the contents on the right hand side which is showing the image is much bigger and more important on the contents page. This is a medium shot and the colour of this image is greyscale showing that this is a very mysterious image. The image of Kayne’s face expression is dull and showing attitude as he is making a straight face with his hands in his pockets showing he is representing R&B music. The clothes which Kayne is wearing is quite classy and trendy as they are worn in the modern days and this also shows that this magazine isn't all about R&B music but is expresses all sorts of things which could be fashion, art and celebrities which shows that R&B music is creative as it involves all sorts of things.

Language: there is use of language on the contents page as at the top, there is one word saying contents which is black and stands out as it is bold and flashes out to the audience. The word is spread down the page which makes the audience read it slowly and know what it is exactly. This shows the style of the magazine showing it is a cool magazine which allows you to take your time and read and this relates to R&B music as it is laid out and relaxes you. The information on the contents page on the right hand side is very simple and straight forward and shows that this is clear and is isn't scrambled and makes it easier for the audience to read it.

Layout: the background is very dull and greyscale as it is plain and doesn't really have anything interesting but all the focus is on the image as that makes it interesting making all the audience look at the image of Kayne. The background does have `V` which shows this is a Vibe magazine straight away as it is representing R&B music and this is a much darker grey which has been used for the `V` but is still makes the background look good. The layout of the contents page is straight forward and very simple as it gives out the information straight and it is quite clear. The contents page information is laid out simply just to show the audience what is in the magazine as this makes it easier for the readers to know what is in the magazine. The whole page shows us that straight away the image of Kayne who everyone who listens to R&B music will know straight who this singer is as he is representing R&B music and this makes them want to read the magazine more as they know him and there might be information about him and his new songs, albums or about what he is planning on doing which gets the audience excited. The relationship between the audience and this contents page shows that it is good as the audience may like the singer Kayne and want to read the magazine and the magazine is showing the magazine contents pages stands out and is very modern as so is R&B music.

Genre: the genre of this magazine contents page is R&B music and shows a singer who sings R&B music and stands out from the whole contents page. The genre of the page is dull and plain and is focusing on the singer who sings for R&B music. The focus is the image but the genre definitely represents R&B music as it is showing attitude and the whole page shows that music is sort of another world which shows R&B is very important and makes the audience want to know more about it as the page makes it look hidden and mysterious and audience love mysteries and want to know what it is so the colours really show what genre the contents page is. The colour which is used is grey but there is only one other colour used which is red and that is the only focus of the image as it is only colour that is red showing a heart showing the part of Kayne’s love life.

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