Thursday 24 January 2013

Analysing double page spread 

Layout: the most space which is taken on this magazine is of the image of Wiz Khalifa and this is given so much importance as this is showing that he is the main plot of this two page spread and the magazine writers want to catch the audience’s eye as they want to show the audience that this is an R&B music magazine so they put a R&B artist to catch their eye and want to read it. This has spread to two pages as one is for the image and other is for writing which makes it balanced for the readers to read.

Image: there is only one image on the page and it is by itself on the first page separately which catches the audiences eye first which shows that he is very popular in the R&B music industry and well known which makes the audience excited as they want to read about it and if it may have any latest news about him. He is smoking which is showing a very rude image to the audience and by his face expression, it is showing he doesn't care and has an attitude problem which is showing he is representing R&B music which is quite stereotypical for R&B fans. The black background matches to his face expression as he is showing he doesn't care and is very aggressive which is shown in his expression as well as the black background. He is wearing a black and yellow cap which relates to one of his songs as he made a song which is called `Black and Yellow` and this shows us that this is what boys should be wearing who listen to R&B music as caps like these are in the latest fashion but the cap colours match to the title of the double side spread which makes it look cool and interesting. The writers make the image more clear to the audience rather than the title as this shows that the image has more importance and by the look of the image, the audience will be attracted to the image as he is a R&B artist and is well known for his songs so he gets more attention than the title as he is well known to the audience which makes it even more interesting for the readers. The image relates to the genre which is R&B music as R&B fans quite like to be in the modern world and are mostly stereotyped to be rude and aggressive but a bad person but this is just a stereotype but they are also come across as thugs which is makes it clear in this image as he is smoking which is bad for your health but making an expression that he doesn't care shows the audience that this is how R&B fans are in personality wise and this is stereotypical.

Language: there is some sort of rhetorical question used which says `How High? ` and this makes the audience think about what the question is asking for and this also shows the readers that this question could be linked to Wiz Khalifa as he is smoking and could say that he high over with too much smoking and this then reflects back in to making the reader read the magazine article. This sort of question makes the audience want to read this and be interested as the way the question is used makes them think so much and want know what is the question trying to say. This isn't very formal language as it is quite straight forward and simple to the point. The two words how high tell us that this is linked to the title and cap as the question is in black and same font which makes it seem very similar and cool.

Genre: the genre is quite straight forward that it is R&B music as the way the magazine is presented is in an attitude and cool way where they are in the modern world with the latest fashion for teenagers and the way the image which is shown on the two side spread is one of the artists. The artist Wiz Khalifa is shown to be with lots of attitude, rude, aggressive and bad as a role model as he is shown to be a `Thug`. 

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