Thursday 17 January 2013

Analysing ‘VIBE’ magazine

The only image on the front cover page is a medium shot of the singer Chris Brown and this image relates to the written content because there is a rhetorical question on the left hand side of Chris Brown which asks the reader ‘IS THAT CHRIS BROWN?’ and the question is asking about the singer who is on the front cover page of the magazine. The image of the R&B singer is framed in the centre of the magazine cover page and because it is the centre image of the magazine cover page, it suggests that the main story inside the magazine will be about the singer who is on the magazine cover page so the image is clear so the reader will expect to read about Chris Brown inside. In addition, because the image is clear and stands out from the text, it shows that this singer is very popular and his image is noticeable so the audience will be able to realise this. The clothes that the singer is wearing are casual and the singer has style which suits the target audience because the readers who would read this magazine are teenagers and middle-aged people who are both men and women and they would dress casually with style like the singer in the image. The colours used on the magazine cover page of ‘VIBE’ because the text around the image is in white which is bright and the title ‘VIBE’ is also in white which indicates the main subject in the magazine will be about ‘VIBE’. The white text contrasts with the other text which is in green and red which do not stand out as much as the white text and the fact that the background is not bright means that the white text stands out more and is more visible and clear to the reader.

The image of the singer ‘Chris Brown’ takes up most of the space on the cover page of the magazine which indicates the importance of this singer and informs the reader that there will be many topics discussed about this singer inside the magazine. The fact that the image of the R&B singer is in the centre of the magazine cover page and the title is at the top of the magazine cover page and is sort of covered up suggests that this magazine is very popular and well-known therefore the reader does not need to see the title of the magazine because they already know. The fact that the other topics discussed in the magazine are on the right hand side of the cover page of the magazine shows that the magazine has a variety of different topics listed down on the side of the magazine to show how much the magazine is packed with various discussion points and topics, news and gossip about different R&B singers and other famous people. The range of topics discussed and news in the magazine appeal to a wider range of audience. The fact that the background behind the singer is not on stage but is of a rural setting suggests that this singer is not performing but is being himself therefore this informs the audience that the topics inside the magazine will be looking into the life of this R&B singer. The magazine has put what they offer in a red circle to create a bigger emphasis on the fact they are the ones with the exclusive look into these subjects

The magazine has used a range of words that stand out to advertise the magazine to show the audience that this magazine offers more interesting news, gossip and discussion points than other magazines. They have done this by using words such as ‘mega’ and ‘hottest’ to show that the ‘VIBE’ magazine is the only magazine that includes these features that other magazines such as ‘don&apost’. Moreover, by using a quote from ‘Chris Brown’ ‘I’m still a virgin in your eyes’ connects to the reader by including them within the magazine which creates a huge effect on how  the magazine is going to affects the audience.

1 comment:

  1. make the image of the magazine bigger so that you can see it properly and read some of the text. you talked about a rhetorical question in the imgae sub heading, this should be in language.
